
At Richard Cloudesley School the highest standards of behaviour are expected and encouraged so that our school can be an orderly calm place in which to learn. At all times the children are expected to be polite and to show consideration and respect for other peoples’ feelings, needs and property. In accordance with s89 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006, our Behaviour Policy clarifies our high expectations of behaviour and the rewards and consequences in place.

In a school, which aims to promote an atmosphere which values diversity and respect of difference, bullying cannot be tolerated and is taken very seriously by everyone at the school. We encourage the children to tell a member of the school staff if they have any concerns. It would also be helpful for you to speak to the class teacher first, then the headteacher if you have any concerns. It is important that children and the school work together for the benefit of the children.

To read our behaviour policy please go to the policy section of this website.


At Richard Cloudesley School the highest standards of behaviour are expected and encouraged so that our school can be an orderly calm place in which to learn. At all times the children are expected to be polite and to show consideration and respect for other peoples’ feelings, needs and property. In accordance with s89 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006, our Behaviour Policy clarifies our high expectations of behaviour and the rewards and consequences in place.

In a school, which aims to promote an atmosphere which values diversity and respect of difference, bullying cannot be tolerated and is taken very seriously by everyone at the school. We encourage the children to tell a member of the school staff if they have any concerns. It would also be helpful for you to speak to the class teacher first, then the headteacher if you have any concerns. It is important that children and the school work together for the benefit of the children.

To read our behaviour policy please go to the policy section of this website.