
Our equalities objectives for 2024 - 25 are:


  • To increase representation of diverse communities, in the school curriculum, resources, and enrichment activities.
  • To address mental health stigma, it's important to recognize that our roles often expose us to indirect trauma.
  • To run workshops for parents of children with little or no English to help them develop understanding of curriculum and how to support their child. 
  • To empower pupils to understand and own their individual learning needs and advocate for themselves in life.

These are embedded into our school improvement plan for 2024-25.


Our Equalities Policy and Staff Equalities Policy can be accessed through our policies page of this website.


Additional equalities data is available on request from the school office.


Inclusive Language


In February 2023, our EDI group helped write our school inclusive language guidelines. This has been shared with all governors, staff, parents and pupils (where appropriate).



At Richard Cloudesley School, we embrace, celebrate and respect difference. We support each other to create an environment where everyone can reach their full potential, has a voice, and feels valued

The language we use can help to promote diversity and inclusion and provide the same opportunities for all. This guide outlines how to use inclusive language to avoid biases, slang or expressions that exclude certain groups based on age, race, ethnicity, gender, disability, gender, or sexual orientation.



Only include age if it is relevant, for example, with initiatives that are only available for a particular age group(s). For example, Year 7 pupils.

Do not use age to describe an individual or group where it is not relevant, such as ‘mature workforce’ or ‘young and vibrant team.’

We actively avoid ageist terms such as ‘elderly,’ ‘OAPs,’ ‘pensioners’ or ‘youngsters,’ instead using terms that are objective:

  • child (4–12 years)

  • teenager (13–19 years)

  • young people/adults (16–24 years)

  • adults (19 years and over)



We do not define a person or group according to their disabilities or conditions. We use language that focuses on their abilities, rather than limitations.

We use terms such as:

  • Disabled person

  • Person with a disability

  • People living with cancer

  • People with diabetes

  • People with epilepsy

  • Wheelchair user

  •  AAC user

When talking about facilities, we say:

  • Accessible toilets

We do not say:

  • Diabetic
  • Epileptic
  • Downs
  • Wheelchair-bound
  • Handicapped
  • Suffering from cancer
  • Victim of dementia
  • Able-bodied


Mental health

Everyone has mental health and the ways in which we experience it are unique to each of us.

We use person-centred language to reflect this sensitivity and to avoid positive or negative labelling. We do not describe people as mentally ill or defined by a condition.

We do say:

  • Mental health conditions
  • Mental health challenges
  • People with anxiety
  • A person with depression
  • A person with a mental health condition


Race and ethnicity

Race and ethnicity are often regarded as the same thing – both are social constructs used to categorise and characterise at an individual and group level.

While there can be overlap between the two terms, it is helpful to understand the difference and how this impacts inclusive language.

‘Race’ is often used to group people based on shared physical traits, particularly skin colour and hair texture, and a shared ancestry or historical experience as a result.

‘Ethnicity’ is more frequently chosen by the individual and linked to cultural expression. The term is used to describe shared cultural or national identity, such as language, nationality, religious expression, and other customs.

We only refer to people’s race or ethnicity if it is relevant to the information we are communicating. In those cases, we recommend using the following:

  • Broad ethnicity: People of colour, Black, Asian(rather than ‘oriental’ which is for objects or food but never people), and White (rather than Caucasian), written in upper case
  • Specific ethnicity: Black African, Chinese, Indian, White British, written in upper case
  • ‘Minority ethnic group,’ rather than ‘minority group’

BAME is often used as an acronym for Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic, used to refer to all ethnic groups except White British Group. The acronym, however, can be problematic:

  • It does not assert to the reader which specific ethnic minorities are included. For example, some BAME references mean all minority ethnic, including White Gypsy, Roma, and Irish Traveller groups, while others include White ethnic minorities in the 'White' category.
  • The use of ‘BAME’ can often offer an assumption that all non-White people exist as a homogenous group without appreciation of the uniqueness of individual ethnicities.

Based on these factors, we advise against its use outside of contexts where it is necessary – instead, be as specific as possible.

We actively avoid and challenge racial and ethnic slurs and any language that infers or endorses stereotypes based upon racial or ethnic associations.


Sex and gender identity

The language around sex and gender identity is evolving constantly and it is important to understand the difference between them.

'Sex' is biological (male, female, or intersex) and relates to genes, internal/external reproductive organs and hormones inherited at birth.

'Gender' can be fixed or fluid and refers to our internal sense of who we are and how we see and describe ourselves.

Binary gender terms (man/woman, girl/boy) have traditional associations with sex, but we now recognise how some people identify with a gender opposite to that assigned to them as a child (trans) and others identify neither as men nor women (non-binary or gender fluid).

To avoid making assumptions about how people identify, or to reinforce stereotypes, we should use gender-neutral terms, rather than those that make sex distinction. That is unless the gender specific terms are required to clarify communication. Examples of gender-neutral terms.

  • You or they/their/them, not he/she or him/her

  • People/person or individual(s), rather than man/men or woman/women

  • Everyone/colleagues, rather than ladies and gentlemen/guys

  • Parent or guardian, rather than mother or father

  • Partner, rather than husband or wife

  • Sibling, rather than brother or sister

  • Artificial or synthetic, rather than man-made

  • Humankind, not mankind

  • Workforce, not manpower

  • We provide cover or staff, rather than to ‘man’

Most occupations/roles need not be gender-defined:

  • Chair, not chairman

  • Scientist or lecturer, rather than female scientist or male lecturer

  • Police officer, not policeman/policewoman

  • Spokesperson, not spokesman


Where it is not clear what, if any, gendered pronouns, or nouns are appropriate for an individual, ask and respect their wishes. For example, some people who identify as non-binary, may prefer the pronoun, ‘they’.

Sexual orientation

When talking about sexuality, we use the term ‘sexual orientation,’ not ‘sexual preference.’

We mention sexuality where and when it is relevant to the context. For example, recruitment initiatives designed to increase applications from individuals belonging to sexual or gender minorities, for example lesbian, gay, bisexual,trans/transgender (not transexual), or any of the other LGBT+ orientations a person may identify with.

Be mindful of the difference between appropriate language for those belonging to a group (in-group) and those who do not belong (out-group). For example, a person may have reclaimed a once-derogatory term and may now use this term, whereas the same term may offend an individual from outside that community.

If in doubt, ask someone their preferred term and respect their wishes.



While religions have their origins in certain parts of the world, it would be incorrect to assume people whose ethnicity originates from those countries observe the same religion or any religion. Similarly, a person’s religious belief cannot be assumed by their name.

The extent to which followers of different religions observe or express their faith is personal to them and we do not condone challenging individuals on their faith or lack of.

We only refer to people’s religion if it is relevant to the information we are communicating. In those cases, we use the following:

  • First name, forename or given name, not Christian name

  • Names of religions and religious groups take an upper case

  • Groups of individuals from the same religion should be referred to as a

    community, such as members of the Muslim community or Jewish people