Risk Assessments and Safer Handling

In 2008 Julie Noble completed her training at DFH Ergonomics Ltd to become a Risk Assessor and Key Trainer in the Handling and Safe Movement of Patients and Loads. The trainer is Danielle Homes who is recognised as a leading expert witness. Julie follows an update programme to further develop her expertise.

Risk assessments are a legal document and can be submitted as admissible evidence in court. In cases where there is issue of liability Julie can act as a legal witness. It is important that risk assessments are read by the intended members of staff and that all guidance and advice is followed.

Julie provides an outreach service for all students attending mainstream settings in Islington who experience physical disabilities and mobility challenges. Her service includes advice and support that covers all aspects of safe moving, handling and transfers.

The outreach service offered by Julie complies with the 1992 Moving and Handling Regulations. Contravention of these guidelines place children and young people and the staff who support their needs at risk of injury.

The primary intention of the 1992 Regulations is to ensure that children and young people and the staff who support them remain safe at school. This is a legal duty of care.

Head teachers and school governors must ensure that the implementation of advice regarding safe moving and handling.  A training programme for staff must be in place with risk assessments for those children and young people identified as having physical disabilities / mobility challenges.  In compliance with the Regs Julie teaches a range of safe transfer strategies.  Julie does not teach lifting techniques as these place both the child and member of staff at risk of injury or accident.

Equipment to meet the moving and handling needs of children and young people should be in place.  Schools are required to purchase and install specialist equipment in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.  Schools are expected to make Reasonable Adjustments to the school building to enhance access for all groups of pupils.


Equality Act – reference below


The Equality Act and Schools 2010 (May 2014) states that schools are expected to make reasonable adjustments to the school building to enhance access for all groups of pupils.


                                                                        Schools' duties around accessibility for disabled pupils 


                                                 4.28 Schools and LAs need to carry out accessibility planning for disabled pupils.

                                                 These are the same duties as previously existed under the DDA and have been

                                                  replicated in the Equality Act 2010 


                                                  4.29 Schools must implement accessibility plans which are aimed at:

                                                 - increasing the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the curriculum;

                                                 - improving the physical environment of schools to enable disabled pupils to take

                                                   better advantage of education, benefits, facilities and services provided; and

                                                 -improving the availability of accessible information to disabled pupils.


                                                  4.30 Schools will also need to have regard to the need to provide adequate resources

                                                  for implementing plans and must regularly review them. An accessibility planmay be a 

                                                  freestanding document but may also be published as part of another document such as

                                                  the school development plan.


                                                  4.31 OFSTED inspections may include a school's acessibility plan as part of their review 



Reasonable adjustments can be classified as a minor adjustment - for example re-hanging an existing door to allow easier access for a student using a walking frame.

Adjustments may involve re-configuring the layout of a room - for example altering the position of a sink and loo to accommodate a mobile hoist in a bathroom which would not be classed as major building works.

The installation of a through-floor lift and additional external fire-safe lift would be classified as a major building project.  This would enable a student using a power chair to have fully inclusive access to the physical setting and a safe means of fire evacuation from all areas of the school building.

School buildings vary in terms of historical architecture, design and layout.  This impacts directly the extent to which adjustments can be made.  Schools will not be expected to make adjustments that are not reasonable.

Julie's outreach training is bespoke to the school setting and physical needs of the student.

In line with the 1992 Regulations, Julie trains the team of staff who support the safe transfer of the student. 

Staff are trained to use specialist equipment that can include hoists and slings. On completion of training, staff receive a certificate of competence.

Julie provides update training. 


Back care and postural management workshop

A small group workshop to address back care and postural management. In your nursery, school or college setting practical problem solving aims to enhance participants’ awareness of their posture and good body management. Helpful tips are provided that can be incorporated into daily work routines and responsibilities. Activities include how to bend to the floor and the safe way to manoeuvre and wheel a wheelchair. Training is tailored to the needs of staff and the nature of work duties.


Risk assessment for pregnant staff members who work with pupils who have special needs

This is carried out on-site with the staff member who is pregnant. The assessment relates to all work related responsibilities.


Pupil risk assessments and care plans

Risk assessments are carried out for pupils weighing 16kg and above who have a physical disability or special needs that require a risk assessment and care plan.

In liaison with the SENCO the risk assessment incorporates an access assessment of the school building. Generic access assessments can be carried out as appropriate. Advice on specialist equipment for safe handling and transfer is provided. This can include functional planning for the installation of hoists, changing beds and hygiene-room equipment. When required pupils can be assessed for a suitable transfer slings. A detailed report and care plan is compiled. This covers all aspects of safe moving and handling with clear staff guidelines.


The risk assessment report can be used to inform the Individual Education Plan and Annual Review and EHCP. Risk assessments are updated annually. Specific pre and post-surgery assessments are available.

There is no charge for this service for Islington schools and early years’ settings as schools have already paid through the DSG.


If you require Safer Handling Risk Assessments or training please contact Julie Noble either by email, telephone or at the address shown below. Alternatively fill in the Referral Form (see below) and return it with as much detail as possible please.


Email: outreach@cloudesley.islington.sch.uk

Tel: 020 7786 4808

Richard Cloudesley Outreach Service

Golden Lane Campus

101 Whitecross Street

London EC1Y 8JA


Referral Form and Parent Consent Form

 > Referral Form

 > Parent Consent Form

Please click on the above links to access the referral form template and/or parent consent form.  Please provide as much information as required and return to us either via secure email  to outreach@cloudesley.islington.sch.uk or post to:


Richard Cloudesley Outreach Service

The Golden Lane Campus

101 Whitecross Street

London EC1Y 8JA