Information Sheets/Resources

'Stop telling me I'm speeding in my wheelchair!' (BBC Stories) 


Back Health - A Guide for School Staff

 > Back Health Leaflet

Adaptations to School Buildings - May 2020

 > Adaptations to School Buildings - May 2020

Reasonable Adjustments - Adaptations to School Buildings

 > Reasonable Adjustments - Adaptations to School Buildings

Funding for Deaf and Visually Impaired Children and Young People

 > Funding for Deaf and Visually Impaired Children and Young People

IncludED in your Classroom

 > IncludED in Your Classroom has been created to help school staff with the key points for ensuring their classroom and whole school are as inclusive as possible.


Deaf and Hard of Hearing (Click here to go to our Deaf and Hard of Hearing page)

 > Supporting the achievement of hearing impaired children in early years settings

 > Supporting the achievement of deaf children in primary schools

 > Supporting the achievement of deaf children in secondary schools

 > Conductive Hearing Loss in the Classroom (Glue Ear) - Information Pack

 > Hearing Aids - Information for Families - NDCS

 > Service for Pre-School Deaf Children

 > Developing Early Language and Communication

 > Types of Hearing Loss

 > Hearing Aids

 > What is a Hearing Test?

 > Assistive Learning Devices

 > Cochlear Implants

 > Helping your Deaf Child to Read and Write 5-7 Years - NDCS

 > Helping your Deaf Child to Read and Write 8-11 Years - NDCS

 > Phonics and the Development of your Child's Reading and Writing Skills - NDCS

 > Teaching Phonics to Deaf Children - NDCS

 > NDCS Technology - Radio Aids

 > NDCS Technology - Headphones

 > NDCS Technology - Streamers

 > NDCS - Supporting the achievement of deaf children who use English as an additional language

 > NDCS - Supporting deaf children in special schools

 > NDCS - Tips for teaching deaf children with a mild hearing loss

 > NDCS - Mild Hearing Loss

 > NDCS - Supporting the achievement of HI children in special schools

 > Roger Touchscreen Radio Aid Guide

 > Roger Inspiro Radio Aid Guide

 > GOSH - Helping your child get used to their hearing aid or cochlear implant: information for families

 > Back to school with a little bear and his hearing aids - BBC News

 > IncludEd in your Classroom - Hearing Needs


My Deaf Life: Feel the Beat (BBC Stories) 


Deaf Awareness 'Communication for All'

 > Deaf-Awareness-Week-Powerpoint-2021


Visual Impairment (Click here to go to our Visual Impairment page)

 > Ten Important Classroom Strategies for Pupils with VI

 > Cerebral Palsy and Visual impairment in Children

 > Apps for the Visually Impaired

 > Technology and Independent Learning - RNIB

 > How iPhone 12's Lidar and AI help me navigate the street as a blind person

 > Emotional Support Podcasts Emotional support for children and young people with vision impairment - RNIB - See differently

> Theo's Story - Life with a visual impairment 

Safeguarding and Equality

 > Discrimination, Hate Crime and Equality

 > NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children)

 > Safety on the Internet for My Child



NDCS - Help and Support for Young Deaf People 


  Follow us on Instagram for up to date information @rcoutreach