
We are committed to enabling schools to support children and young people with sensory impairments to achieve their potential. This year we are offering schools a bespoke training programme. The cost of this service has already been met through the Islington school budget allocation.


What does bespoke training mean

  • the training will take place in your school or a venue to suit you

  • you will set the date and time

  • we can offer 1:1 and group training for teachers and teaching assistants

  • support for SENCOs on assessment, provision mapping and management of support staff

  • training on how to use and improve alternative means of communication eg iPads and communication systems


Training offer to Islington schools

  • disability awareness for children and young people
  • disability awareness for teachers and support staff
  • habilitation training
  • whole school training on hearing and visual impairment
  • small group training around individual needs
  • manual handling training and risk assessment


We are also very interested in hearing from you regarding the sort of training and support you would like to benefit from. We would welcome any requests or feedback regarding future training.


Please contact us at or telephone: 020 7786 4800 Ext 2060.



This year we are offering a range of in person and online training. Please contact us if you would like to book onto any of the sessions.

In person training, Golden Lane Campus - Best Practice in the Classroom for Students with Sensory Needs    Wednesday 18th September 2024 4-5pm   

In person training, Golden Lane Campus - Risk Assessments and Habilitation    Wednesday 29th January 2025  4-5pm  

Online training, Transition and Q & A     Wednesday 7th May 2025  4-5pm 


If you missed our training but would like to see the power point resources or videos please click on the links below.

Best Practice in the Classroom for Students with Sensory Needs

Supporting Students with Visual Needs 

Supporting Students with Hearing Needs 

Deafness and Visual Impairment Transition - Getting it Right From the Start