Complaints Procedure
Our policy is to deal with parents’ concerns and complaints as quickly as possible. Matters will be resolved mostly by the class teacher or head of school. Parents are advised to contact the headteacher or complete a complaint form if they wish to make a formal complaint. The headteacher will work swiftly to resolve matters in the best interests of the child and family.
The informal stage
- The complainant should contact the headteacher to discuss the problem or complaint, or complete a Complaint Form.
- Following the discussion/meeting, with the headteacher, the complainant will be informed in writing by the headteacher of:
- any action taken or proposed to be taken to resolve the complaint;
- the right to submit a formal written complaint to the Governing Body through the clerk if the complainant is still dissatisfied.
- The headteacher will record the action taken and, in the event of a formal complaint being submitted, will ensure that it is forwarded to the Governing Body.
The formal stage
- The Governing Body will establish a Committee of Governors to hear any formal complaints made, or nominate a Lead Governor to deal with formal complaints.
- If the complainant is dissatisfied with the headteacher’s response or if the complaint is about the actions of the headteacher, s/he can request that the complaint is referred to the Governing Body’s Complaints Committee.
- The headteacher will inform the complainant of the need to submit a formal written complaint to the clerk to the Governing Body and will supply the name and address of the clerk to the Governing Body for this purpose.
- In the case of a formal complaint against the headteacher, the clerk to the Governors may seek further to resolve the matter him/herself informally but this shall not delay the arrangements for the formal consideration of the complaint. In all cases the Clerk to the Governing Body will immediately upon receipt of the complaint send an acknowledgement and confirmation that a formal hearing will be convened within twenty school days. The Clerk to Governors will then
- Immediately forward the complaint to the Chair of the Complaints Committee/Lead Governor to convene the hearing. The Chair or Lead Governor may ask the headteacher to conduct further investigations of the facts for presentation at the hearing. In the event that the complaint is about the actions of the headteacher, the Chair of Governors may, if unable to resolve the matter informally, seek to engage an independent person to act as an investigating officer to establish the facts. The Governor Services Section may be able to offer assistance in this.
- A complaints hearing by the Complaints Committee/Lead Governor will be convened within twenty school days of the receipt of the formal complaint.
- The Clerk to the Complaints Committee will send a letter to the complainant stating the date, time and place of the hearing at least ten working days before the hearing. The letter should enclose a copy of the complaints procedure. If the complainant wishes to submit a written statement or refer to any additional documents in his/her possession, copies should be sent to the Clerk/Chair of the Complaints Committee/Lead Governor seven working days before the date of the meeting in order that sufficient copies can be made available to the Complaints Committee/Lead Governor. Similarly if any investigation report is prepared by the headteacher or other person at the request of the Chair of Governors, it should be available seven working days before the hearing for circulation. Any papers to be considered at the hearing should be made available both to the Committee and to the complainant and the headteacher at least three days before the hearing. The names of any witnesses to be called by the complainant or headteacher should be notified to the Clerk/Chair of the Complaints Committee/Lead Governor, seven working days before the hearing and should be notified to the Committee, the complainant and the headteacher at least three days before the hearing.
- It is the policy of the school to listen to parents and learn from mistakes made. Good communication with parents is key to parent satisfaction and good practice. Comments or complaints from parents are always received well and parents are always treated in a courteous and respectful manner.
If the matter is not resolved the complainant will be advised about the appeal process.
It is the policy of the school to listen to parents and learn from mistakes made. Good communication with parents is key to parent satisfaction and good practice. Comments or complaints from parents are always received well and parents are always treated in a courteous and respectful manner.