Home School Agreement
All parents have access to a Microsoft Teams account account for home school communication. Some also use a step by step switch to take news between home and school. Parents and carers are expected to read or listen to messages and respond to these if necessary.
Therapists and Medical staff
Parents are welcome to call therapist and medical staff during the school day, if they are busy then an answer machine will take a message and a therapist will call you back. As we are on two sites parents may find that the message is not answered until the following day. If there is an urgent message please call and speak to the primary or secondary school office.
Pupil Progress Meetings and Annual Review Meetings
Parents/carers are asked to attend 3 meetings throughout the year.
One term they will be invited to attend an annual review meeting and in the other two terms they will be invited to meet to discuss pupil’s progress towards EHC support plan goals. Appointments are sent out and parents are asked to sign up for a convenient time. The parent and teacher and representatives from the therapy team can discuss progress on the previous term’s target and discuss how to work together on targets for the coming term.
Once a year parents/carers are expected to attend their child’s annual review. This is when the child’s EHCP is reviewed and progress and achievements are reported. The reports are sent to parents/carers prior to the meeting so that there is time to read them in detail. At the meeting the report will be discussed, the objectives and targets on the EHCP reviewed and new targets agreed for the coming year. This meeting will involve all professionals working with the child and can include social workers, outreach teams, private therapists as well as the school multi disciplinary team. It is an important meeting which we expect parents/carers to attend and give their views on their child’s progress. The annual review uses a person centred planning (PCP) approach.
As a school we will:
● always adhere to our school values
● provide a safe and happy environment where all children are valued, respected and listened to
● provide excellent teaching and an engaging curriculum to meet the needs of all children, provide as much support as we can to help your child meet their full potential
● regularly share the progress of your child, through Evidence for Learning and regular pupil progress meetings
● communicate regularly with you using Microsoft Teams and phone calls
● support your child to develop a moral and ethical compass for life enabling them to grow up to be the best person they can be
● achieve high standards of behaviour by providing opportunities for children to develop
● positive social relationships, self-esteem, and a sense of responsibility,
● teach your child to develop a positive attitude to others, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation
● respect the confidentiality of information regarding each child
● provide information to you about our school, including relevant policies, meetings, workshops, and events by keeping our website up-to-date, and sharing monthly newsletters
As a parent I will:
Click here to sign the parent consent forms
Click here to sign the home school agreement
Click here for guidance on using MS Teams and Evidence for Learning (EfL)