Welcome to Richard Cloudesley Outreach Service

Who are we?

We are a team with specialist training in the management of special needs, deafness, visual impairment, habilitation and risk assessments. We also offer support and advice on assistive technology.

Our Values

  • We put the life chances of young people first
  • Commitment to equality, diversity and excellence for all learners
  • Creative solutions to barriers
  • Commitment to collaboration with teachers and parents
  • Professional approach always in all our work 
  • Absolute integrity about child protection and safeguarding

Our Vision

Is to be a model of good practice so that all learners will be accepted in their learning environment and have a strong sense of belonging at school.

Our Purpose

To make sure that all learners achieve their full potential and know how to overcome any barriers to learning.

Meet the Team

Anne Corbett

Head of Outreach


Suzanne Hall

Outreach Administrator


Follow us @rcoutreach

Lotta Clarke

Advisory Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing


Bernadette Bell

Advisory Teacher for Visual Impairment


 Richard Cloudesley Outreach Service 

 Golden Lane Campus 

 101 Whitecross Street 

 London EC1Y 8JA 

 Tel: 020 7786 4808 


 Follow us on Instagram @rcoutreach 

Julie Noble

Advisory Teacher and Risk Assessor for Physical Needs


Theo Skerritt

Habilitation Specialist 


Nicky Tricks

       Advisory Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing


Tim Richmond

Advisory Teacher for Visual Impairment



Our Services

The Richard Cloudesley Outreach Team offers a range of services as follows: 

- clear communication with you and identified families
- easy access to our specialist teachers including telephone/video  consultations
- new referrals
- annual review and TAC meetings 
- support plans for individual pupils
- visits to classrooms with parents' permission
- visits to school sites to conduct risk assessments around mobility and habilitation needs of pupils with physical need
- manual handling training on site
- staff training
- physical resources for home learning for an identified need
- links to internet resources
- transition planning resources
- clear communication with DSLs regarding safeguarding matters.

Richard Cloudesley Outreach Enquiries

If you have any questions for the Outreach Team, please do not hesitate to contact us on:
Tel: 020 7786 4808


Each team member is contactable via email (see details above).  We will aim to get back to you as soon as we can.

Richard Cloudesley Outreach Service Team

How we work

  • Schools or settings meet with parents and make a referral to our service
  • Our team visits the school or setting and makes a detailed observation
  • We meet school staff and give advice and recommendations
  • We provide a written report
  • We also receive referrals from London hospitals
  • We work very closely with the local health professionals and the Islington SEN Department 


We provide advice and guidance on...

  • Best classroom practice
  • Training for teachers and teaching assistants
  • Improving the classroom acoustics and visual environment
  • Differentiation of the curriculum
  • Specialist equipment
  • Risk assessments
  • Access arrangements
  • Habilitation assessments
  • Transition
  • Assistive technology support


How schools and settings should support sensory difficulties

  • High quality teaching should always be the starting point. A good acoustic and visual environment should be established and teachers should use strategies to support the child or young person's residual hearing and vision enabling them to access the curriculum, social information and the physical environment. Written guidance is provided to schools and settings on these.
  • For children or young people with sensory difficulties that have a minor impact on learning, language and development, teachers should follow simple guidelines to differentiate teaching or classroom approaches. Written advice is provided to schools and settings on this.
  • Sensory difficulties that have potentially significant impact on their learning, language and development, teachers should follow advice provided by their Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) and/or the Richard Cloudesley Outreach Service.


Service Leaflet