Teaching asisstant posts:
Due to the growth of our school, we currently have vacancies for eight teaching assistants, starting in September 2024. Please follow this link for more information and to apply for these roles. We have vacancies working with primary aged pupils with autism and pupils with complex physical and health needs in both our primary and secondary departments. Closing date is midnight on 7th July 2024, but we will interview good candidates early and reserve the right to fill the vacanices in advacne of the closing date.
All posts are offered subject to references, pre-employment checks and enhanced DBS check
How do I become a teacher at Richard Cloudesley School?
We advertise all new full-time and permanent vacancies in the Times Education Supplement (TES) and on the Islington website.
We advertise all our full-time and personal vacancies on the Islington website. The good news is that you do not need previous experience but you must be able to offer the following:
• A good standard of education including a grade C GCSE Maths and English or equivalent;
• A willingness to learn;
• A thoroughly professional attitude to working with students who have complex needs;
• Good health as the work is quite physical and demanding.
We receive an overwhelming interest in volunteering in the school.
Please check our website for future volunteer vacancies as we will advertise them as and when they arise.
For an application form please contact our administration department on admin@cloudesley.islington.sch.uk.
We ideally like volunteers to commit to a regular weekly slot, however, we will consider short term placements.
To volunteer you will need to fill out an application form and provide the names of two people who can give you a reference. You will also be required to complete a DBS form.
We will interview you and if we offer you a placement we will make the conditions very clear.
We take our responsibilities around safeguarding very seriously so all volunteers are carefully interviewed and selected to meet the needs of our students.
All regular volunteers to the school will meet the Designated Safeguarding Lead prior to starting, and sign our Visitor and Volunteer Code of Conduct Form, a copy of this can be found in our Policy Suite. You will also be provided with a Safeguarding leaflet, a copy of this can be found in the Safeguarding section on the website.
“For me its walking into the room and seeing how a child’s little face lights up when they remember my face. Straight away that’s instant connection and acceptance. This helps me to settle straight in without any hesitation and puts me in that state of wanting to serve and giving my best to the children around me. An hour spent at the school also puts me in a state of gratitude in the sense that I am fortunate to be given this opportunity by the school and also by my workplace (Lloyds Banking Group) to take an hour out of my busy schedule to do what I love and also to give back to society.” Karlene of Lloyds Banking Group.
Volunteer Application Form